Microsoft on the issues.

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  • How Microsoft is working with partners and policymakers to advance accessibility as a fundamental right through technology

    Today, we are proud to celebrate Disability Pride Month and reaffirm our commitment to closing the disability divide through technology and policy. Disability Pride Month also coincides with the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which was signed into law on July 26, 1990, and is considered one of the most comprehensive civil... The post How Microsoft is working with partners and policymakers to advance accessibility as a fundamental right through technology appeared first on Microsoft On the Issues.

  • Protecting users and reaffirming our commitment to combatting cyber mercenaries

    Microsoft has long made clear its belief that cyber mercenaries – private sector offensive actors that develop and sell offensive cyber capabilities that fuel a market without legal rules, responsibilities, or repercussions – don’t deserve immunity. Despite measures taken by governments, regulators, and tech companies, the impact of these actors on the security of users... The post Protecting users and reaffirming our commitment to combatting cyber mercenaries appeared first on Microsoft On the Issues.

  • Combatting AI Deepfakes: Our Participation in the 2024 Political Conventions 

    In a world where technology is continually reshaping our lives, its impact on the democratic process remains profound. At its best, digital technology helps empower voters with information for informed decision-making and ensures the integrity and security of elections. And at its worst, bad actors can use new AI advances to produce deepfakes to try to... The post Combatting AI Deepfakes: Our Participation in the 2024 Political Conventions  appeared first on Microsoft On the Issues.

  • Microsoft’s work to strengthen cybersecurity protection

    Editor’s Note: On Thursday, June 13, Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad Smith testified before the House Homeland Security Committee on Microsoft’s cybersecurity practices. You can view the hearing here via C-Span.   In his written testimony, Brad acknowledges the unique role Microsoft plays in safeguarding America’s cybersecurity. He notes that Microsoft accepts responsibility for... The post Microsoft’s work to strengthen cybersecurity protection appeared first on Microsoft On the Issues.

  • How Russia is trying to disrupt the 2024 Paris Olympic Games

    Russia is ramping up malign disinformation campaigns against France, French President Emmanuel Macron, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and this summer’s Olympic Games in Paris. While Russia has a decades-long history of targeting the Olympic Games, the Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) has observed old tactics blending with artificial intelligence (AI) in malign activity that... The post How Russia is trying to disrupt the 2024 Paris Olympic Games appeared first on Microsoft On the Issues.

  • Accelerating AI opportunity and climate solutions in Africa

    Last fall, I had the opportunity to participate in the inaugural Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, where world leaders discussed the role of sustainability investment, technology, and innovation in Africa. If there was one central theme that emerged from that week, it was that innovation abounds and there is a strong desire among the... The post Accelerating AI opportunity and climate solutions in Africa appeared first on Microsoft On the Issues.

  • Spring forward – May gave us a month of accessibility innovation

    New this month There has been a lot of accessibility news this month including Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), an annual event that encourages everyone to learn and share best practices for digital accessibility and inclusion. And to think it all started with a blog post and a phone call. I had the privilege of... The post Spring forward – May gave us a month of accessibility innovation appeared first on Microsoft On the Issues.

  • Global Governance: Goals and Lessons for AI

    As AI policy conversations expanded last year, they started to be punctuated by repeated references to unexpected abbreviations. Not the usual short names for new AI models or machine learning jargon, but acronyms for the different international institutions that today govern civil aviation, nuclear power, and global capital flows. This piqued our curiosity. We wanted... The post Global Governance: Goals and Lessons for AI appeared first on Microsoft On the Issues.

  • Our 2024 Environmental Sustainability Report

    Today, Microsoft published the 2024 Environmental Sustainability Report. This report covers fiscal year 2023, and measures progress against our 2020 baseline. You can read the foreword below and explore the report in its entirety here. Accelerating innovation and partnership for people and the planet Four years ago, Microsoft committed that, by 2030, we would become carbon... The post Our 2024 Environmental Sustainability Report appeared first on Microsoft On the Issues.

  • Microsoft and OpenAI launch Societal Resilience Fund

    Today, Microsoft and OpenAI are announcing the launch of a $2 million Societal Resilience Fund to further AI education and literacy among voters and vulnerable communities. In a year when two billion people across the globe will vote in democratic elections, it is more important than ever to provide tools and information that will help... The post Microsoft and OpenAI launch Societal Resilience Fund appeared first on Microsoft On the Issues.